We are pleased to announce the launch of the 1st edition of the Roger Léron Award, created by us, the FEDARENE. The purpose of this Award is to acknowledge persistency, a proactive approach, bringing a successful contribution to sustainable energy at the regional and / or local level in Europe.
Indeed, we believe that the regional and local levels of governance play a central role in energy and climate issues, through their responsibility for many policy areas (energy, transport, housing,…), their proximity to citizens, their thorough knowledge of the territory, and their greater flexibility than national governments.
The winner (an individual or an organisation) will receive the trophy during a ceremony on 16th June, in Brussels at 18:00 at the Palais des Académies.
The Award is named in memory of Roger Léron who was president of FEDARENE from 1990 to 2007 and a great contributor to the regional and local sustainable energy field throughout his life. See more details on www.fedarene.org