One of the main objectives of ALEA’s activities, the energy Masterplan of Alba County – an indispensable tool in achieving sustainable development plans at local and county level. This document will deal with all energy issues: access to reliable energy, economic competitiveness, reduction  of environmental pollution due to rational use of energy.

The Masterplan was elaborated according to strategic documents at European and national level and it is based primarily on data/information collected from local governments and relevant institutions dealing with energy. It was correlated with other existing strategic documents at county level such as: the strategy for the development of the county, the local environmental action plan of the county, the waste management plan of the county, etc.

In the elaboration of the Masterplan the principles followed were: increasing energy efficiency in all types of human activity, use of renewable energy sources where their potential had already been identified, systematic promotion of energy management.

The impact of the implementation of the Masterplan will be monitored and evaluated with development indicators: the decrease in energy intensity, the amount of emissions of greenhouse gases but also the share of green energy in the energy total.

Download the Energy Masterplan of Alba County – Executive Summary (PDF)