Energy intensity at the macroeconomic level is defined as the amount of energy (in energy units) used to produce a unit of output (in monetary units).
Directive. 2006/32/EC on energy efficiency to end users, which has become mandatory for Romania in 2008, provides that Member States undertake to achieve reduction in final energy consumption by at least 9% in a period of nine years (2008 – 2016) compared with the average consumption for the past five years for which data are available (2001-2005).
In this sense, Romania will adopt the following measures of energy efficiency:
- use of financial instruments for energy savings, including energy performance contracts which provide measurable, predetermined energy savings ;
- purchase of energy efficient equipment ;
- accelerating the process of implementing rigorous energy audits to industrial consumers, to public buildings and residential audits certified bodies, followed by the measures recommended and implemented to reduce energy losses.
National potential for saving energy and reducing energy losses, is valued on 27 – 35% of primary energy resources (industry 20-25%, buildings 40 – 50%, transportation 35 – 40%). At an annual consumption of primary energy of about 36 million TOE / year of potential savings is about 10 million TOE / year or 3 billion EUR/ year.