ClimAct CEE: Enforcing Decarbonized and Low-Emission Urban Zones to Fight Climate Change at Municipal Level

Webinar on 5th November 2024 starting at 10:00 (CET)

This event marks the final EU webinar of the ClimAct CEE project and is designed to bring together energy experts, local authorities, and key stakeholders committed to advancing the climate adaptation initiatives.

The webinar will focus on presenting and discussing the Integrated Climate Screening and GHG and Air Emissions Inventory Framework and its application through the implementation of pilot Decarbonized Low-Emission Zones (DLEZ) in Bulgaria, Croatia, and Romania.

During the event the ClimAct CEE project the project partners will also:

  • Present the developed Integrated Climate Screening and GHG and Air Emissions Inventory Framework,
  • Showcase the ClimACT CEE tools, with a special focus on climate screening,
  • Present the pilot DLEZ established in Bulgaria, Croatia, and Romania,
  • Share policy learning from the DLEZ application and enforcement.

We would be honored to have your participation on 5th November 2024 at 10:00 CET via MS Teams. Please confirm your attendance at this event by filling the registration form below:

Registration formWebinar agenda

ClimAct CEE project detailsClimAct CEE EUKI website